About Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is the capital and most populous city of Argentina. It is located on the estuary of the Rio de La Plata. The city is a top touristic destination and is famous for its European architecture and rich heritage and cultural life. It is often called “The Paris of South America”. Since mid 19th century the city, and the country in general, has received millions of immigrants from all over the world, for which it is considered one of the most multi-ethnical and diverse cities of Latin America. The streets of Buenos Aires offer the visitors wide boulevards and cobblestone alleys, sidewalk cafes, theaters, art galleries and museums, soccer matches for the sports enthusiasts, tango music and dancing, classic music and opera in the world-famous Colon Theatre, and exciting rock’n roll shows.

Travel information about Buenos Aires can be found here: https://turismo.buenosaires.gob.ar/en


Air connections to Buenos Aires arrive at Ezeiza International Airport (EZE), which is located in the city suburbs. There are several services of taxies and buses from the airport to downtown. The trip duration is around 30 min. depending on traffic. A second airport located in the urban area is Aeroparque Jorge Newbery (AEP), which is the main hub for domestic flights.


The meeting will take place at the Pabellón 1, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. The address is Av. Int. Güiraldes 2160, C1428 Cdad. Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

Public Transportation in Buenos Aires

For the use of public transportation in Buenos Aires (bus, subway, and metropolitan trains) you will need to purchase the so called SUBE card. SUBE cards are sold and recharged in candy stores and other shops. They can also be recharged in the subway ticket desks. The following link can be used to find places where to purchase SUBE cards: https://turismo.buenosaires.gob.ar/en/article/getting-around

We strongly recommend you to buy a SUBE card at the airport kiosk or at the ferry terminal immediately after arriving at Buenos Aires.


Below we list hotels downtown (near Obelisco), uptown (in Recoleta or Palermo), and at walking distance. Keep in mind that walking distance hotels are closer to the venue but have less dinner options at night. From downtown, Uber or a cab will get you to the venue in 15 minutes.

Please also note that Airbnb has affordable options in Buenos Aires.

Downtown Hotels  Address and Map linkPrices (USD)Contact emailCODE
HOTEL PULITZER Maipu 907$145,20bookings@hotelpulitzer.com.ar CIENCIAS EXACTAS – UBA
DOLMEN HOTELSuipacha 1079$133,10reservas@hoteldolmen.com.arUBA – Cs Exactas
NH BUENOS AIRES LATINO Suipacha 309$118,58vm.roda@nh-hotels.comCONGRESO UBA
NH BUENOS AIRES TANGOCerrito 550$118,58vm.roda@nh-hotels.comCONGRESO UBA
NH BUENOS AIRES 9 DE JULIOCerrito 154$118,58vm.roda@nh-hotels.comCONGRESO UBA
KER RECOLETA Marcelo T. de Alvear 1368$114,95reservasrecoleta@kerhoteles.com.arCONGRESO UBA
DecO Collection Suipacha 1359$121,00ventas@decocollection.com.arCONGRESO UBA
CYAN AMERICAS TOWER HOTELLibertad 1070$108,90ventas@hotelescyan.comCONGRESO UBA
CYAN HOTEL DE LAS AMERICAS Libertad 1020 $108,90ventas@hotelescyan.comCONGRESO UBA
HR LUXOR HOTEL BUENOS AIRES Pte. Roque Saenz Peña  890$84,70reservas@hrluxor.comCONGRESO UBA
HOTEL HR ESMERALDA LUXOR Esmeralda 675$78,65reservas@hresmeralda.comCONGRESO UBA
HOTEL IMPALA Libertad 1215 $78,65reservas@525hotel.comDDAYS525
HOTEL SHELTOWNMarcelo T. de Alvear 742$78,65reservas@525hotel.comDDAYS525
EMBAJADOR HOTELCarlos Pellegrini 1185$78,65reservas@525hotel.comDDAYS525
HOTEL HR PLAZA LUXOR Reconquista 602$60,50reservas@hrplazaluxor.comCONGRESO UBA
Uptwon Hotels  Address and Map linkPrices (USD)Contact emailCODE
CYAN RECOLETA HOTELJunin 1743$121,00ventas@hotelescyan.comCONGRESO UBA
PALERMO SUITESFRAY J. SANTA MARIA DE ORO 2529$89,00reservas@palermosuites.net CONGRESO UBA
KOTEN HOTELGUEMES 4651$52,00info@kotenhotel.comCONGRESO UBA

Walking distance Hotels Address and Map linkPrices (USD)Contact emailCODE
HOTEL PAMPA PLAZALa Pampa 777, C1428 DYO, Cdad. Autónoma de Buenos Aires$144,00info@hotelpampaplaza.com.arCONGRESO UBA 
KER HOTELVUELTA DE OBLIGADO 2727 – 1428 CABA$117,37reservasbelgrano@kerhoteles.com.arCONGRESO UBA
CRISTAL PALACECIUDAD DE LA PAZ 2550 -1426 CABA $102,00info@cristalpalace.comCONGRESO UBA